Dulyhealthandcare.com/bill Pay


Pay Your Bill Online

We will collect your co-payment, co-insurance or deductibles at time of service. If you have a balance on your account from previous visits or services, we will

Billing & Customer Service


We will collect your co-payment, co-insurance or deductibles at time of service. If you have a balance on your account from previous visits or services, we will

Med­ica­tion Pre­scrip­tions and Refills

We strive to address your med­ica­tion needs dur­ing your appoint­ments. We will ver­i­fy the med­ica­tions that you are cur­rent­ly tak­ing at each vis­it. If you need a refill, please allow 3 days for the refill to be com­plet­ed. In some cas­es, it may take longer if our office is wait­ing for an approval or a response from your insur­ance com­pa­ny. Reg­u­lar and peri­od­ic vis­its as rec­om­mend­ed by your provider will help make this process more seam­less and are nec­es­sary for ongo­ing med­ica­tion refills.

Noti­fi­ca­tion regard­ing lab results

Duly Health and Care is com­mit­ted to ensur­ing all our patients have the best access to their med­ical infor­ma­tion. Results from tests per­formed or col­lect­ed at Duly Health and Care loca­tions will be released to the Duly Health and Care (MyChart) app as soon as they are received. In some cas­es, results may be avail­able pri­or to clin­i­cal care teams being able to review those results. Rest assured, the care team will review all results and com­mu­ni­cate any fol­low-up instruc­tions. Lab results are returned at dif­fer­ent rates depend­ing on pro­cess­ing time, but it is not uncom­mon for these to take sev­er­al days. Should there be any ques­tions or con­cerns about the results, please log in to MyChart, nav­i­gate to Mes­sages, choose the ​“Ask A Med­ical Ques­tion” mes­sage, and route the mes­sage to the provider that ordered the test.

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