How Can Elizabeth Most Responsibly Pay Off Her Bill Sooner

Elizabeth can pay her bill sooner by paying more than the minimum payment each month. Thus, option D is correct. What is a bill?

The amount of money someone owing for products or services is stated in writing on a bill. As the bill may contain the amount, product, and name of the firm that is selling things.

Elizabeth who owes the money is required to pay at least a minimal amount each month in order to maintain excellent credit. This in no way preclude the individual from transferring money over the required minimum each month.

Therefore, paying higher than the least amount each month while you are in debt is one approach to appropriately pay it off. This will make sure that the amount that was presented to Elizabet is paid quite early. also, she does not want that to be reflected on her credit score.

The most responsible attitude would be to pay as much as possible on the due date. Making the minimum payment should be avoided.

The holder of a credit card signs a contract with the card supplier that allows the first to spend a certain amount of money, during a period of time, under the promise to return it to the second in the established terms. The credit card bills arrive when a certain amount is due for repayment.

Therefore the most resposible way of dealing with the bill is paying the whole amount due on time or, if not possible, at least pay as much as possible so that most part of the debt is met.

Which of the following is the process of increasing the amount of capital used per worker? real GDP per capita technological progress capital deepening saving

Capital Deepening is a term used in economics to describe a situation in which capital increases per worker, is an increase in capital intensity. It is often measured by the stock of capital per hour of work. In general, the economy will expand, and the producitivity of each worker will increase. However, the intensification of the capital factor will not mean that the economic expansion will continue indefinitely, partly due to diminishing returns. The investment is also required to increase the amount of capital available for each worker in the system and therefore increase the proportion of capital with respect to labor, this promote economic growth , because the increase in productivity requieres the accumulation of all stocks of capital per worker.

What are the arguments against mandatory minimum sentencing laws? Name two from the paragragh below. Mandatory Minimum Sentences: One-Size-Fits-All Justice Mandatory minimum sentencing laws remove judicial discernment from the criminal justice system. The United States incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country in the world, and more than half of all federal prisoners are put behind bars for nonviolent drug offenses. Many critics of the countrys “dependency” on incarceration blame the problem on mandatory minimum sentencing laws. These laws, which exist on both the federal and sometimes state level, dictate the minimum sentence of incarceration that a judge can impose on individuals convicted of certain offenses in an effort to make sentencing “fair” for everyone. Some mandatory minimum sentences are imposed for first-time offenders with increasingly harsher sentences for second- and third-time offenders. While mandatory minimum sentences may reassure the public that all criminals are being held equally accountable for their offenses, opponents of these laws argue that they remove humanity from the criminal justice system, tying the hands of judges and preventing them from considering the unique circumstances surrounding the individual offender and his or her crime (in legal terms, these are called mitigating circumstances). This can lead to harsh punishments that even judges say outweigh the crime. Furthermore, some proponents of sentencing reform contend that mandatory minimum sentencing laws cost the taxpayers an exorbitant amount of money, cause prisons to become overcrowded, and fail to achieve their goal of increasing public safety.


Pay Your Bill Online

Expert-Verified Answer Elizabeth can pay her bill sooner by .

Personal Finance: Credit and Insurance Flashcards

Expert-Verified Answer Elizabeth can pay her bill sooner by .

Answers I believe the answer is: adult males On average, the percentage of young male who use cars as a method to seek adrenaline large is considerably larger compared to other society demographic. Combined with the consumption of alcohol or drugs, adult males become much more likely to be involved in traffic fatalities.

1 Among those killed, teenage drivers have the highest death rates per miles driven among all age groups, followed by elderly drivers and young ________.

adult females : This is the answer

Lucy wants to study changes in cognitive skills, moral reasoning, and social behavior across the lifespan. lucy should specialize in ________ psycholo

Answer: Lucy should specialize in Developmental psychology.


This type of psychology is to study why and how a human can change during the course of their life span.

There are three major issues that is focused on during this psychology. They are psychical, cognitive, and socioemotional development. Every stage of life is looked at until death. At the beginning of developmental psychology only infancy, childhood, and adolescents were observed, but in modern times all ages are looked at.

This type of psychology was developed by John B. Watson and Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the 18th century.

Which pair of words are most likely to be included in the values column? materialism, competition greed, selfishness conviction, ambition generosity, fairness?

Answers The correct answer is generosity, fairness. Values refer to an individual’s idea of what is right and ethical in life. Values also set standards for an individual’s behavior and conduct. Generosity refers to a value where a person believes in sharing, giving and extending oneself to help others. The value of fairness refers to when a person believes in equality, justice and parity for everyone.

At the end of a concert, performers will often give a(n) _____ to an appreciative audience. biography acoustics encore applause


How can Elizabeth responsibly pay off her bill sooner?

How can Elizabeth most responsibly pay off her bill sooner? by paying more than the minimum payment each month Booker hopes to buy a new home, but he is struggling to find a loan with low interest.

How can Elizabeth most responsibly pay off her bill sooner Quizlet?

Expert-Verified Answer The most responsible way for Elizabeth to pay off her bill sooner than five years is to d. pay more than the minimum payment each month.

How can Elizabeth most responsibly pay off her bill sooner brainly?

Elizabeth can most responsibly pay off her bill sooner by: by paying more than the minimum payment each month.

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