Mst Back Pay Bill 2023

The Veteran Restitution and Justice Act of 2023 was recently reintroduced to help improve support and justice for survivors of military sexual trauma (MST). MST is a widespread issue within the military, with many victims suffering in silence due to fear of retaliation or lack of support. House Bill H.R.6023 seeks to change this by increasing opportunities for restitution.


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Introduced in House (02/17/2023) This bill expands eligibility for certain special compensation to disabled uniformed services retirees who are survivors of military sexual trauma.

Tester, Murkowski, Pingree Lead Bipartisan Push to Support Survivors of Military Sexual Trauma

Introduced in House (02/17/2023) This bill expands eligibility for certain special compensation to disabled uniformed services retirees who are survivors of military sexual trauma.

VA Benefits for MST

Veterans who have experienced MST during service may be eligible for VA benefits to help them manage the physical and psychological aftermath of their experiences. MST includes any sexual assault or harassment experienced by a service member during their time in the military. This can include unwanted sexual advances, threats of sexual violence, or any other type of sexual assault or harassment.

In order to receive VA benefits for MST, veterans must first have documentation of the incident. This can be in the form of a report made to military authorities, medical records, or statements from other service members who witnessed the events. Veterans can then file a claim with the VA for compensation for any physical or psychological conditions that resulted from the MST.

The VA recognizes that MST can have long-lasting effects on a veteran’s mental health and overall well-being. As such, veterans who have experienced MST may be eligible for a variety of benefits, including mental health counseling, medical treatment, and disability compensation.

However, the VA still fails to provide the benefits MST survivors deserve. Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) calculates the benefits provided for MST using the date the claim was filed. This means veterans who experienced MST 15-20 years ago and have just now decided to report the incident will miss out on benefits to cover the hardships experienced across those 15-20 years.

The Impact of MST on Veterans

Military Sexual Trauma is a serious issue that affects both male and female servicemembers in the armed forces. It is defined as any unwanted sexual attention or sexual contact experienced during military service. MST can take many forms, including rape, sexual assault, or sexual harassment.

Around 1 in 3 females and 1 in 50 males report experiencing MST in the VA healthcare system. However, the actual numbers are likely much higher. Among servicemembers, the prevalence of MST is often underreported due to stigma and fear of retaliation.

The long-term symptoms of MST can be devastating. Survivors of MST may experience a range of psychological and physical symptoms, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and chronic pain. These symptoms can have a long-lasting impact on a survivor’s quality of life and may require intensive therapy and support to overcome.


How long does it take to get VA disability back pay in 2023?

Receiving VA Disability Back Pay VA back pay is paid to a veteran all at once in one lump sum following the grant of benefits. The VA maintains that veterans should receive back pay within 15 days of the decision granting the retroactive benefits either through direct deposit or a check.

What is the Veteran Restitution and Justice Act for MST survivors?

This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide retroactive benefits payments for veterans with covered health conditions (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder) based on military sexual trauma experienced during active service.

What is the veterans Restitution and Justice Act 2023?

Introduced in House (10/25/2023) To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for the retroactive payment of benefits for veterans with covered mental health conditions based on military sexual trauma, and for other purposes.

What is the lump sum payout for VA disability?

Disability severance pay is a one- time lump sum payment. The amount equals 2 months of basic pay for each year of service which includes active service and inactive duty points, but the total service years cannot exceed 19 years.

Will VA modernize the MST definition in 2023?

“The VFW strongly supports the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act of 2023, which would require VA to modernize the MST definition to include technological abuse, update the standard of proof for MST disability claims, and review MST training quality at VBA.

What if MST goes unreported during service?

Given how many instances of MST go unreported during service, the bill would require VA to consider non-Department of Defense evidence sources when reviewing MST claims and would expand this standard to all mental health conditions related to MST.

How can VA improve MST care & services?

“While VA has come a long way in improving its care and services for MST, the Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act recognizes that more can be done to expand access to care, reduce the burden of benefits claims, and improve outcomes for survivors.

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